Hindmarsh Landcare Network

From this humble beginning, Landcare groups quickly spread throughout Victoria including many around the Hindmarsh Shire.

Hindmarsh Landcare Network

From this humble beginning, Landcare groups quickly spread throughout Victoria including many around the Hindmarsh Shire.

Hindmarsh Landcare Network

From this humble beginning, Landcare groups quickly spread throughout Victoria including many around the Hindmarsh Shire.

Hindmarsh Landcare Network

From this humble beginning, Landcare groups quickly spread throughout Victoria including many around the Hindmarsh Shire.

Hindmarsh Landcare Network

From this humble beginning, Landcare groups quickly spread throughout Victoria including many around the Hindmarsh Shire.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register ?

Registration is via the Eventbrite or by contacting the Hindmarsh Landcare Network Coordinator (see Contact Us).

Do I, along with other family or friends, need to register ?
Every person who attends the weekend needs to do their own registration in order to cover public liability insurance requirements. Registration also provides the organising Committee with detail to assist with catering and planting site needs.
Can children attend the weekend ?
Children are most welcome to participate, however any child needs to be under your direct supervision at all times. This is particularly important when children are involved directly with planting as it is essential that the planting technique ensures the optimum chance for the plant to survive.
If I have registered but for some reason am unable to attend the weekend, should I notify the Landcare Coordinator ?
It would be greatly appreciated if you notify the Hindmarsh Landcare Network Coordinator (see Contact Us) ASAP as any cancellations impact on catering and/or bus spaces.
What general information do I need to know about the weekend ?
Once you have registered, see the Information Kit and other details on this site under the links for Project Hindmarsh. The details include directions to the site, bus travel arrangements, what you should bring along, accommodation choices, and details of the Saturday & Sunday activities.
How do I travel to Project Hindmarsh ?
Alternative travel arrangements to bring your own car to the weekend are still being looked at. At PH2015, some participants travelled by V-line bus but there is no service to Rainbow. Car pooling arrangements can be organised through Local Landcare Facilitator.
When can I arrive at Rainbow ?
If you are travelling by your own vehicle you are most welcome to arrive any time on the Friday. Those who arrive early may wish to volunteer to do some tasks. A limited selection of meals are available in town; these include take away foods and meals at the local hotel. Contact Landcare Facilitator for further info.
What do I do about accommodation ?
There are a number of choices:
1. Bring your tent and camp for free
2. Limited hotel rooms will be available (Motel accom is booked out)
3. Find other accommodation (list of other accommodation is available with our Landcare Facilitator.
Details relating to accommodation will be provided in the information kit once you have registered.
Normal departure requirements apply to most accommodation.
What about food over the weekend ?
A reasonable level of fitness will be necessary for you to be involved in the planting activities. Tasks include, carting plants, digging holes, planting trees and watering with buckets. Usually there is some walking to do depending on the nature of the planting site. Jobs are allocated depending on an understanding of your fitness or physical capabilities. There are also important jobs that need doing that don’t require much walking or physical activity.
What about my safety ?
A thorough safety audit is prepared for the weekend. There will also be qualified paramedical support at all times. All participants will also need to practise due care. Don’t forget to bring any medications you take and adequate sun protection.
Will there be public liability insurance cover?
Yes, the organising Committee arranges public liability insurance for the weekend.
What will the weather be like ?
It could be quite hot or very cold, especially overnight. Rain, hail, fog and strong winds are also possible, but usually rare. It is best to be prepared for all seasons!
Is the project environmentally friendly ?
We endeavour to leave as small as footprint as we can on the environment we are restoring, and living in. We ask you to bring your own cutlery; plates, bowls and mugs. We also ask you to use the correct recycling containers when possible. There are also washing up facilities at the Rec Reserve
Who do I contact if I need answers to information not covered above ?
You can contact Hindmarsh Landcare Network Coordinator via the details provided on the Contact Us page.